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Whg 1.10133,09 m²auf Anfrage
Whg 1.13133,09 m²auf Anfrage
Whg 1.14146,19 m²auf Anfrage
Whg 1.17252,33 m²auf Anfrage
Whg 2.1194,28 m²auf Anfrage
Whg 2.13159,76 m²auf Anfrage


One of the building’s main aes­thet­ic focal points is the entry­way.
The pur­pose of the pres­ti­gious entrance area is to make it reflect the aspi­ra­tional char­ac­ter of the build­ing and to under­line the sig­nif­i­cance of this new place with­in its urban con­text.
The lob­by fea­ture choice mate­ri­als such as nat­ur­al stone, pati­nat­ed brass and large-for­mat mir­rors that fill it with a pal­pa­ble ele­gance. In the rear of the build­ing lies a beau­ti­ful­ly land­scaped court­yard gar­den, whose design lives up to the archi­tec­tur­al stan­dard of the com­plex. The base­ment pro­vides stor­age rooms for each flat, this being just one of many fea­tures which ensure that res­i­dents of WIELAND/PESTALOZZI ben­e­fit
from the high­est lev­el of home ameni­ties.

Nutzfläche: qm / Wohnfläche: qm
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